ChristWay is a church dedicated to bringing glory to God. We firmly believe that every Christian should cultivate a profound and enduring relationship with Jesus, guided by the Holy Spirit. At ChristWay, our primary objective is to be disciples of Jesus rather than mere consumers of church.
ChristWay Baptist Church was founded in June 2014 to reach and teach people with the life-changing gospel of Jesus Christ. Through lots of prayer and many conversations about the future, it became apparent that a group of people in Northwest Indiana needed a church family. ChristWay began at Pastor Bob Marshall's house in St. John, Indiana. After a few weeks, the church outgrew his house and moved to another member’s house in Crown Point. In September 2014, due to God’s kindness and provision, we purchased a church building in Dyer. In 2024 we moved from our Dyer location to our currnet location in Crown Point and through God’s grace and blessings we have been growing ever since.
At ChristWay, we offer a place where you can gather weekly with the body of Christ to worship God through song, prayer, and the preaching and teaching of His Word. Through the proclamation of the gospel and the power of the Holy Spirit, we believe that our relationship with God and with others can be restored and strengthened.
We emphasize the importance of Christian growth and maturity through learning from the Word of God and engaging with faithful believers not just on Sundays, but throughout the week.
As followers of Jesus, we are called to give generously to the work of the church, its mission, and to those in need around us. We believe that this spirit of generosity is an integral part of our faith journey.
The mission of the church at ChristWay is to go into the world, proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ, and make disciples in our homes and communities.
What does this mean for you? Above all, it means that you are warmly welcomed at ChristWay. Regardless of where you currently stand in your faith journey, you will be embraced and accepted at ChristWay. We recognize that we are all on a lifelong journey of knowing Christ and sharing His message with others. Because of that we value every individual who becomes a part of our church family, and we are committed to supporting and encouraging you in your personal relationship with Christ.