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Who is Jesus to You?
Jon Beil • Last Sunday
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Good Works: the Purpose of the Church
Matt Sheehy • 9/8/2024
How to Live the Effective Sound Doctrine
Matt Sheehy • 9/1/2024
Do Your Feelings Matter?
Matt Sheehy • 8/25/2024
Scarcity Mindset
Pastor Mitch • 8/18/2024
Baptism and the Gospel
Matt Sheehy • 8/11/2024
Effective Doctrine
Matt Sheehy • 8/4/2024
Anointing Jesus for Burial
Matt Sheehy • 7/21/2024
Your Part in Writing God's Story
Matt Sheehy • 7/14/2024
What Am I Offering People When I Offer Them the Gospel?
Matt Sheehy • 7/7/2024
When the Spirit Works Suddenly - Part 1
Matt Sheehy • 6/23/2024
Navigating Discouraging and Demanding Seasons
Matt Sheehy • 6/9/2024